In this fourth thriller in a series, a pilot with the gift of invisible flight investigates the links between a suspicious death, a dangerous fugitive, and a powerful lobbyist. A lot has happened in the six months since 33-year-old Will Stewart, a charter pilot for Wisconsin’s Essex County Air Services, miraculously survived an unexplained accident that crashed his small plane. Even more miraculously, the mishap mysteriously left Will with the ability to vanish and become immune to gravity. Currently grounded while waiting for medical clearance, he’s been perfecting his self-powered flight and developing gadgets to help with aim and propulsion. He’s also used his abilities to make some amazing rescues and has helped his wife, Essex County police detective Andrea “Andy” Stewart, solve several crimes. Three weeks ago, someone tried to kill her sister Lydia, believing that she was Andy. The suspect is Mannis Rahn, who’s connected with the previous book’s case, which involved a high-society robbery and lobbyists for private prisons. Now it’s Christmas, and Lydia’s lobbyist husband, Davis Bates, whom she’s divorcing, has been found dead. It could be suicide—but more likely, it’s murder. Andy and Will investigate in Washington, D.C., and follow up leads connected to Davis’ lobbying firm, Rahn, and a mysterious redheaded woman who may have a crucial piece of evidence. Will faces several tests of character that challenge him to use his abilities for good, including a situation involving a possible school shooter and another involving an immensely powerful player in American politics.

Kirkus Reviews:

“As in this series’ three previous books, Seaborne (Divisible Man: The Second Ghost, 2018, etc.), a former flight instructor and charter pilot, proves that he’s a natural-born storyteller, serving up an exciting, well-written thriller. He makes even minor moments in the story memorable with his sharp, evocative prose, as when he describes a parking lot in which “Evenly-spaced lamps all around us cast down cones of lighted mist—creating a magical forest of transparent Christmas trees.” Every reader will be able to relate to the fantasy of being able to fly, and Seaborne keeps that idea fresh by allowing Will to find new and different ways to master his ability. Will’s smart, humane, and humorous narrative voice is appealing, as is his sincere appreciation for Andy—not just for her considerable beauty, but also for her dedication and intelligence. As before, Seaborne does a fine job of making side characters and locales believable. It’s deeply gratifying to see Will deliver righteous justice to some very bad people; a nice scene on top of a municipal water tower will have readers wishing that they could step into Will’s shoes. Readers of the series so far will enjoy seeing Will’s horizons grow as he considers the use of his powers, which seem to have effects beyond invisibility and flight. He also expresses reasonable fears that his powers could put him at risk from others who may want to use them for either humanitarian or selfish purposes. An intensely satisfying thriller—another winner from Seaborne.”


“Love the writer’s voice. The whole series is part sci fi, part crime fighting, part love story, and lots of my kind of humor. Language gets racy in parts, which works with the character, but I could have done without it. Over all it’s a page turning adventure that made me not want to put it down. Do read the series in order. It matters.”

“This is book 4 in the series and they have all been great. Excitement, adventure, memorable characters - I can't put it down when I start one! Have read all 4 twice now! Can't wait for the next one!”

“I loved reading DIVISIBLE MAN: THE SEVENTH STAR! WOW! You did NOT disappoint! Your characters are wonderful, although I might want to reprimand Pidge for her ‘advanced potty mouth’ and her choice of ‘extra-curricular activities,’ she definitely stands out as a memorable character. I love the Andy-Will relationship that you continuously share with your readers. You are such a talented entertainer when it comes to writing a story that guarantees excitement, humor and entertainment. KEEP ON WRITING, HOWARD!”

“I enjoy your characters immensely as you make them come alive on the page. The love, caring and humor between Will and Andy makes me think you may draw those two characters from your own life experience and if so, how lucky you are!”

Howard Seaborne